2nd APEC-PPSTI APEC Centers Cooperation Conference – Technology Innovation and Collaboration
- Date: 14-15 June, 2018
- Venue: Suzhou, China
- Organizer: APEC Center for Technology Transfer
- Co-sponsors: APCTP (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics), APEC CTF (APEC Center for Technology Foresight), ACES (APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation), APCC (APEC Climate Center), AMGS (APEC Mentoring Center for the Gifted in Science), ACABT (APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology), ACTS (APEC Research Center for Typhoon & Society)
- Supporters: Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, China Science and Technology Exchange Center, Department of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province, Suzhou Science and Technology Bureau
At PPSTI 6, member economies agreed to consider further its role to steer, guide and monitor the APEC Centers and Long-Term Mechanisms to ensure effective collaboration and further realize APEC and PPSTI goals. The 1st APEC-PPSTI APEC Centers Cooperation Conference was successfully held in Pohang, Korea in June 2016. Pohang Declaration was adopted at the meeting which aimed to promote better life, sustainable economic growth, creation of jobs and tackling of common challenges of APEC region through science, technology and innovation. The delegates reached a consensus that further cooperation projects and mechanisms would be discussed at the 2nd APEC-PPSTI APEC Centers Cooperation Conference. The guidelines for PPSTI Centers noted that PPSTI Centers Cooperation Conferences can be held every two years as an institutional approach to collaborative partnerships.
Based on the above, the 2nd APEC-PPSTI APEC Centers Cooperation Conference will be held in June 14-15. With the theme of Technology Innovation and Collaboration, the meeting will contribute to PPSTI 2018 theme, Embracing Digital Technologies for Inclusive and Sustainable Development. Based on the outcomes of the last conference including Pohang Declaration and APEC-PPSTI Centers Guidelines, this conference is targeted at exploring long-term cooperation mechanism among APEC Centers/Long-Term Mechanisms. The participants would exchange suggestions on cooperation projects and share STI supporting programs and data for PPSTI at the meeting.
The conference will provide policy recommendations on application of smart technology for building a digital economy, sharing best practices and lessons learned of cooperation and capacity building among APEC Centers and Long-term Mechanisms. To address the theme of 2018, private sector would be invited as a vital part to provide their perspectives on embracing digital future.
The objectives of the conference include:
a) To share best practices and lessons learned among APEC Centers/Long-term Mechanisms;
b) To initiate discussion on future cooperation among PPSTI Centers/Long-term Mechanisms, thus formulating joint actions;
c) To enhance capacity building of APEC Centers/Long-term Mechanisms;
d) To produce policy recommendations from the perspective of APEC Centers/Long-term Mechanisms;
e) To help APEC Centers/Long-term Mechanisms better support PNG priorities and more importantly, PPSTI mission;
f) To reach a joint outcome paper, revealing the common wishes and joint actions of APEC centers/Long-term Mechanisms.